Onnavolgbare BBC-produktie van Becketts Play. Een vertaling van het stuk lezen vóór het kijken, is aan te raden.
Play was written in English in December 1963.
Three urns stand on the stage. From each, a head protrudes – a man and two women. The play tells the story of a love triangle, and each character narrates a bitter history and their role in it. On the stage, each head is provoked into speech by an spotlight. In the film, the camera takes the role of the spotlight.
'When I was young, I was the worst kind of Beckett anorak,' admits Anthony Minghella. 'I went to university in 1972 and discovered Beckett the second I arrived. The following four or five years of my life were defined by that discovery in some ways. I became obsessed with the writing – its mixture of austerity and romance. It's like Bach for me – the two major discoveries in my young adulthood were Bach and Beckett. For both it's true that there's this monkish, extremely rare and dry surface, underneath which there is a volcano. […]'